New registry for all breeds

We arecproud to announce that the WBKC FRZ has expanded!

We are now offering our services to breeders of all breeds in the USA!

We are proud

The FRZ e.V. USA has made it its mission to support breeders in all arts and to stand by their side. Not only to achieve the right selection of animals, but also  during the entire surveillance  of the pregnancy and the birth.

The FRZ e.V. works in America and cooperates with other reputable associations.

Questions about the breed can be made at any time by phone, or by email. We try to guide you through your problems with our experience. Breeders can rely on us, we will not leave you unguided. our main focus is on the animal and the breeder. Any surpluses will affect the quality of the breeder.

It is important to us that the breeder can present himself in the best possible way to his customers.

Our work is your  buisinesscard!

We look forward to successful cooperation and  bilateralsupport . Each breeder has the same status and is treated equally.

I hope you will appreciate the new website and we would be happy to welcome you as a new member.


Your FRZ - WBKC Team

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